Please come and enjoy Korean music, dance and food!
House of Korea is happy to invite you all to the 2024’s Korea-Ful Night: Dynamic Korea.
We are very honored to introduce our two speakers: Flip Ahn Cuddy who serves as the Dosan Ahn Family Historian and an expert on the Korean Independence Movement in America. And the award-winning Jinwoo Nam who is named by The Korean Times as one of 10 Korean American heroes who have brought pride to the Korean community.
We hope you enjoy cultural performances by San Diego Korean Folk Dance Association, XCENTRIC! & MP TaeKwonDo Challenge Team , while enjoying delicious Korean food.
House of Korea is happy to unwrap and reveal 2023’s Korea-Ful Night: Present.
Through this event, House of Korea announces that we are “present”. The event commemorates the past–the historical significance of 70 years of alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea, and the 120 years of Korean immigration to the United States–but also celebrates the “present”. And as we “present” the night, the hope is that we also lay a foundation for the future.
Featuring speakers like the award winning, lawyer-turned-documentary filmmaker Mr. Joseph Juhn and Associate Professor of Dance at SDSU Dr. Chuyun Oh, and performances by UCSD KOTX, SD Korean Folk Dance Association, and San Diego Catholic Singers.
발보아공원에 한국관 건축 완공 후, 한국 문화를 사랑하는 사람들이 모여, 한국이민사의 이야기를 공유하고, 한국 음식을 나누면서, 한국 문화를 감상하며, 한국관 건물 유지 및 한국의 집에서의 연중 행사를 위한 모금마련 행사로 자리를 마련하였습니다. 2023 Korea-Ful Night: Present 행사에 저희와 함께 해 주세요!
Date | Event | Venue |
February 5 | Volunteer Appreciation Day | Hall of Nations |
June 10 | Meeting (TBC) | Hall of Nations |
August 19 | Annual General Meeting | Hall of Nations |
August 27 | Korean-American Adoptees (Dandelion Project) | Hall of Nations |
September 24 | HOK Lawn Program | HOK & Lawn Area |
September 30 | Korea-ful Night | Balboa Park Club Ballroom |
October (*tentative) | Collaboration with San Diego Museum of Art (SDMA) | SDMA |
December 1 ~ 2 | International Christmas Festival | Balboa Park |
December 23 | HOK Year-End Celebration | Hall of Nation |
We’re pleased to announce this year’s Korea-Ful Night: Inside-Out. We invite you to join us for an evening celebration of Korean food and Korean stories.
At times, a single story can convey culture more effectively than an intentional cultural attraction. That’s why, for this year’s annual Korea-Ful Night event, House of Korea is bringing you INSIDE-OUT. An array of interesting guest speakers sharing their stories, along with a Korean food buffet, captivating cultural experience booths, and Korean music live performance, this year, we are spreading Korean culture one inspiring chapter at a time.
Featuring speakers like author of I Will Work for Nothing and 2017 Ellis Island Medal of Honor winner Dr. Chun Bin “Charlie” Yim (임천빈 ) ; CEO and Co-founder of Robolink Mr. Hansol Hong (홍한솔); CEO and Founder of The Destiny Lab Ms. Angela Quach, and more.
Gifts for guests and raffle prizes sponsored by Wang Globalnet and Korean Ginseng Corporation (KGC).
4:30pm – Registration Begins / Cultural Experience Booths
6:00pm – Buffet opens
6:30pm – Message from HOK President
지난 해 발보아공원에 한국관 건축 완공 후, 한국 문화를 사랑하는 사람들이 모여, 한국이민사의 이야기를 공유하고, 한국 음식을 나누면서, 한국 문화를 감상하며, 한국관 건물 유지 및 한국의 집에서의 연중 행사를 위한 모금마련 행사로 자리를 마련하였습니다. 2022 Korea-Ful Night: Inside-Out 행사에 저희와 함께 해 주세요!
참가하는 모든 분들에게 $100상당의 선물증정
4:30pm – 등록 및 한국문화체험
6:00pm – 식사
6:30pm – 인사
We’re pleased to announce this year’s Korea-Ful Night: Inside-Out. We invite you to join us for an evening celebration of Korean food and Korean stories.
At times, a single story can convey culture more effectively than an intentional cultural attraction. That’s why, for this year’s annual Korea-ful Night event, House of Korea is bringing you INSIDE-OUT. A night of Korean cuisine, with an array of special guest speakers, and exemplary performances – this year, we’re spreading Korean culture one inspiring chapter at a time.
Date: October 22, 2022 (Saturday)
Event schedule: 4:30 doors open, 6:30 dinner
Location: Balboa Park Club Ballroom, 2150 Pan American Rd W
독도-동해 골든벨 퀴즈풀고 선물받자!
행사일시 : 2022년 9월 24일 오후 2시~5시 / When: September 24, 2022, 2PM-5PM
행사장소 : 샌디에고 발보아파크 Club Ballroom (2150 Pan American Rd W, San Diego, CA 92101) / Where: San Diego Balboa Park Club Ballroom (2150 Pan American Rd W, San Diego, CA 92101)
모집인원 / Who
– 개인전 : 30명 (6~12학년) / Individuals match: 30 persons (6th – 12th graders)
– 단체전 : 20팀 (2인 1팀) (K~5학년 1인 및 학부모 1인) / Teams match: 20 teams (teams of two) (K – 5th graders and a parent/guardian)
* 개인전과 단체전 각각 시상 / Individuals match and teams match will be awarded respectively.
* 모든 참가자에게 기념품(독도.동해 지도) 제공 / All participants will be given a map of Dokdo and East Sea.
문의 사항 / Contact: 2022sdgoldenbell@gmail.com
Sept. 10th 2022
Noon ~ 4:00 PM
Come join us! to learn about Korean Culture and enjoy traditional music and dance!
Please also try our Bulgogi Rice Bowl & Kimchi Fried Rice!
Location: HPR Lawn Area, Balboa Park
South of 2191 Pan American Rd. W. San Diego, CA 92101
Contact Info.
email: public@house-of-korea.org
phone: (760) 583-6009
Date | Time | Event | Venue |
9/10 (Sat.) | 1~4PM | Korea Lawn Program | HPR Lawn |
9/24 (Sat.) | 2~5PM | Dokdo GoldenBell | Balboa Park Club Ballroom |
9/25 (Sun.) | 1~4PM | Book Sign by Author Mija Choi | HoK Cottage |
10/22 (Sat.) | 4~8PM | Korea-ful Night | Balboa Park Club Ballroom |
12/02 (Fri.) ~03 (Sat.) | December Night (International Christmas Festival) | HPR Lawn & Hok Cottage |
‘문화를 넘으니 길이 보였다’
4월 9일(토) 오후 2시부터 4시까지 ‘문화를 넘으니 길이 보였다’를 집필하신 정승희 작가님을 모시고 북토크 행사를 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
-“다름’을 포용하고 싶은 대한민국 청년들, 한국 문화 속에서 자란 이민 2세와 3세 세 교포 젊은이들에게 꼭 권하고 싶은 책이다.” (권영수 주 LG 부회장)
– “미래의 성공을 향해 달려가는 젊은 MZ 세대와 부모 세대를 이어주고 공감을 나눠주는 책이라 확신한다.” (정지택 한국야구위원회 총재)
참여방법: https://forms.gle/o9hthapvTgXkubtj9
– 링크를 누르시고 신청서를 작성해주시면 됩니다.
– 50명 선착순이며, 강의는 한국어로 진행됩니다.